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woah next level...Pretty short free demo. Just to make sure where does the free demo end?

what does the wierd book open?


Would be nice if we could have some futa on female content.

Otherwise, the character here has a really nice ass.

(3 edits) (+2)

This game shows potential, however, there is much that worries me about the future of this game as I have seen several like it turn out to either be scams or be in a state of development for WAY TOO LONG. But only time will tell I suppose. One concerning thing is the lack of history for these developers though, like a twitter or something... So far, the graphics is great, but the gameplay is non-existent. Not a big deal at this stage in development I guess.

You can probably get through the current demo in about 5 minutes or so. For lewd content, you have 6 animations as I recall with the prisoners. Good stuff but definitely not enough for me to have a good time. Might extend your enjoyment of what is available here for you all though! Do note that collecting runes is completely worthless right now since you can just go to the prisoners for sex stuffs :P

I'll be keeping a close eye on this game, but like with any game that looks too good to be true... I will be very pessimistic.... I do wish the devs the best of luck though! But games like Wildlife, Monster Girl Island, and others has made me worried about any lewd game... especially ones with graphics like this!

Oh, right, performance wise, this game runs very well on max settings for me. I do have a high end PC (3080ti + 9900k), but I was consistently getting about 144 fps. However, keep in mind that there isn't much in the game right now. So there is definitely not much for the game to put a load on your PC. We'll have to see what future updates will bring to put a strain on performance! 


Hey, Legend! Thank you for the in-depth video. The jokes were actually funny, so I shared it with the team. Thank you for your feedback! We've taken note of everything, and we're already working hard on version 0.2, which is coming in June. We would be pleased if your interest persists for a while :) Cheers! 


Yeah, this sort of highly ambitious project often tends to mysteriously fade away long before being finished. Hopefully that won't be the case this time.


Indeed, the best one can do is watch this projected with bated breath... That it develops smoothly and not become another game that gets far more ambitious or complicated over time to extend development to milk their patreons of their money.

Always great to have a roadmap or something of development, but we will have to see if they stay true to their roadmap. Any reworks, "odd delays", and whatnot should be seen with a healthy amount of cynicism. 

I really like the movement in this game. i hope there is more audio soon. couldnt find the 10th rune for the life of me tho which lead me to finding that there are big holes in the wall on either side of the priestess

Deleted 219 days ago

That's an awesome and very comprehensive list! Please join our Discord server if you haven't already. We would appreciate this sort of feedback in the future!

Deleted 112 days ago

Hey! If you downloaded 7zip correctly, you can right-click on the archive with the game, and in the context menu there should be an option to "unarchive" or "unpack to a folder". It usually works. If there's nothing, try another archiving software like winrar or similar. 

Deleted 112 days ago

nice game.

So found all ten runes and explored (seemingly) all the content, and it was an interesting 30 mins.

I'm curious as to the lore and the context of this setting, saving for later. Also, what kind of 'bad ends' (if any) will be present?

I can't find the last rune, so I quit.

However, a bug occurred while I was playing.

The interface of the setting was visible in the game. So you could walk around with the character, but the interface was always visible. This happened to me when I was in the settings and wanted to get out of there by "ESC". Haven't tried it again, so don't know if this issue is 100% :O

Hey! Yes, we're already know about the bug with the settings, nasty little thing! We'll be fixed asap in 0.2! 

Ah okay, great :)

A way to "highlight" items that you can pick up, even if it's just through a utility item, would be really handy. Found 9 out of 10 runes, but I really have no idea how to find the last one :/


Hmmmmmmmm... I am very skeptical on this game and its future. Especially given the fact that there are many NSFW games that tend to be turned into scams or milk their patreons to keep development going for a prolonged period of time... Nevertheless, any game has potential, only time will tell if this game will become something or become what I feared!

Anywho, I played the game and so far there is nothing here besides like... 6 sex scenes? Hopefully the gameplay won't be shit and is actually fun! But yeah, there is basically nothing here so far besides 6 sex scenes (if I remember correctly). I plan to keep a eye on this game though.


Hey there! Thank you for trying out our project! We've received a lot of feedback, and we think we understand the overall direction of what people want to see from our project. Stay tuned because we aim to deliver small but tight updates with everything on our roadmap

We don't plan on doing anything out of proportion, as we're well aware of the skepticism that people tend to have with projects similar to ours and big claims that turn out to be just marketing bluffs.
Thank you!


I hope there will be futa content, specially with that lady in the throne, I bet she's a dom.

bet $500 on that one!


Quite a lot of detail. I look forward to more


Any roadmap + intended fetsh list?


The roadmap is already online!